I wasn't too sure what to expect from intro breakdown but as soon as the bass line came in I knew I was in for a treat.
00:40 onwards is reminiscent of Decapitated and, perhaps,Spawn of Possession (Although far more melodic) The phrasing of that riff is excellent!
The blasting section from 1:30 is damn good.
The only thing I would have enjoyed is a more melodic, Christian Muenzner type solo but that can be attributed to my personal preferences.
This is definitely on par with top European technical death metal bands so get a vocalist to track this!
I don't really know how to review a song of this nature but I shall give it a go!
First, the composition is very uplifting. (I guess this might have something to do with the theme being about flight). The piano, while sounding amazing, is also a great way to introduce the weirder sounds from 01:07.
I like the arpeggios but I don't like the sample used from 01:07. (If that makes sense?) It is certainly a personal preference and I am sure it suits the game completely.
I really like the transitions throughout this song and that 'roaring' sound could go so wrong for this type of sound but it sounds great.
The rhythmic beats on the drums are perfect for this composition and are in line with the "Uplifting" nature of this song so no criticism there.
I don't really know much about the mastering of this kind of music(Or any to be honest) but it seems like you did a good job on that part. I don't hear any clipping but that might be because I only have two speakers. I don't think there is "too much" going on in this song. Not at all, I think the wave of sound is perfectly appropriate for this theme. Not everyone can write music using 3 or 4 instruments at will. I am pretty sure that comes with experience.
Overall, very impressive.
"I don't really know how to review a song of this nature but I shall give it a go!"
Aw, you should've checked out one of my orchestral songs instead! I do orchestral much more often than this kind of genre. But still, you did a great job reviewing this anyway!
"First, the composition is very uplifting. (I guess this might have something to do with the theme being about flight)."
Yup ^_^
"The piano, while sounding amazing, is also a great way to introduce the weirder sounds from 01:07."
The piano is East/West - I am getting tired of using that piano sample (must've used it in like 30 of my songs haha) but thankfully it's very versatile and sounds great! Glad you like it.
"I like the arpeggios but I don't like the sample used from 01:07. (If that makes sense?) It is certainly a personal preference and I am sure it suits the game completely. "
I actually quite like that synth, but yeah to each his own!
"I really like the transitions throughout this song and that 'roaring' sound could go so wrong for this type of sound but it sounds great."
I was actually worried it wouldn't fit, since it's harsher than everything else. I'm glad you think it fits!
"The rhythmic beats on the drums are perfect for this composition and are in line with the "Uplifting" nature of this song so no criticism there."
Good to hear!
"I don't really know much about the mastering of this kind of music(Or any to be honest) but it seems like you did a good job on that part. I don't hear any clipping but that might be because I only have two speakers."
I don't know much about how to master this kind of music (or any) either haha. I just threw a compressor on everything and hoped for the best :3.
"I don't think there is "too much" going on in this song. Not at all, I think the wave of sound is perfectly appropriate for this theme. Not everyone can write music using 3 or 4 instruments at will. I am pretty sure that comes with experience."
I've spent nearly six years doing this and I still can't make simple songs to save a life ;_;.
Thanks for the support though, and for the review! I really appreciate it.
You have a real talent man.
The piano piece is absolutely beautiful and the light synth is the perfect accompaniment to this song.
I could definitely picture this in a movie!
Awesome job.
I love the piano piece, really a driving factor in this song. The guitar, which takes over as the song progresses, does a great job of keeping the mood. (Which is pretty dark in my opinion).
The progression in the chorus reminds me a bit of John Murphy's compositions. Which is a great thing.
The percussion is very well written. Often basic is the best way to go and it doesn't, at any stage, take over the song.
The lead guitar is beautiful!
As mentioned in one of the previous reviews, I think you could have added more "power" to the vocals at a later stage. (But you already know this). Just to make it more "epic".
Overall, great song and good luck for the competition!
Thanks for the review Titan!
Yes, the mood is quite dark, im happy i was able to give that feeling :)
John Murphy, i didnt knew his name but i certainly know his work...28 days later has amazing music and i also discover im like him "He is a self-taught multi-instrumental musician" minus the talent xD
I will definitely look into how to make my vocals have more presence and sound more powerful from here on!
Absolutely love the piano piece.
It's very emotional and creates a gloomy atmosphere which makes me imagine an old man standing by the waves, reminiscing over the past. ( He is incredibly tanned for some unknown reason).
The high and low notes struck a "note" with me and work in harmony perfectly :D
The second part of the song is pretty good. Reminds me of some folkish/viking metal songs and, while I do agree with ForgottenDawn on the some aspects of his criticism, I still think it sounds great. Regarding the flow of the song. It's pretty obvious that the two pieces aren't meant to be looked at as one continues piece, climaxing in the gloom and doom rock piece. Rather, for me anyway, it is the way the story would progress. (Probably the game or whatever). For that reason I think it works fairly well.
Good luck!
The change at 01:01 is fantastic!
I thought it was going to go into some weird Eastern melody for a moment (Before remembering the theme) but you really did a great job. For some reason it reminds me (In places) of the Sherlock theme but then it reverts back to the happy folk melody.
Quite an uplifting piece!
Woo, glad you enjoyed it! A friend of mine also told me it sounds like the Sherlock theme (but the Hans Zimmer one, which is what you're referring to I'm assuming). Might be that harpsichord.
Just wow!
The quality of this is amazing. Both of the track and the production!
The ambient piece in the intro does a very good job of forming a build up. I knew this was gonna be kick ass as soon as I heard the distortion come in.
I can't overstate how impressed I am with this.